We know you have questions.

Check out some commonly asked questions below. Still have questions? Push that “Contact Us” button at any time and ask away!

Why does my business need social media?

If you are not already on social media, you are late. But anyone can catch up at any time. Social media is the race that never ends. It doesn’t matter when you start. BUT you need to be IN the race.

 Our society is more social today, than it was yesterday.  And our communities continue to expand through the power of these social media networks every minute.  Social platforms are changing, updating, and expanding.

Your business should be involved in these networks.  Social media will make your business more reputable.  Social media will make your business better known.  Social media will drive customers to your business. 

It is the business of BBD Marketing Solutions to stay informed and on top of the ever-evolving social media world. BBD Marketing Solutions will free up your time, reduce confusion and take these tasks off of your overflowing plate to drive a qualified audience to your business.

If you have a social media presence already, are you active? Do you post consistently? Do you post when your clients are on social media?

 Social media is the business that never closes. Social media is ubiquitous. Social media never sleeps. The idea is to determine and define your target audience. Once you have defined your audience, you can speak to them more clearly. When your customers have time. When your customers can be devoted to you.

How will this affect my personal social media?

In short, it won't at all. Your business' social media presence will be completely separated from your personal page(s). Your personal posts, pictures, beliefs, etc. will not be shown on your business pages. The distinction between your personal and business pages increases your professional appearance publicly and allows you to remove yourself from controversial or personal discrepancies.

We understand how personal your business is to you.  You will be able to retain complete control of your business page(s).  You will be able to grant or retract BBD Marketing Solutions’ access to post to and manage your page. This allows you to ultimately retain ownership of your content and social media presence.


Your business can not afford to not have a consistent and effective social media presence.  If you are not already on social media, you are late.  But anyone can catch up at any time.  Social media is the race that never ends. It doesn’t matter when you start. BUT you need to be IN the race. 

Social media marketing and advertising are more affordable than traditional advertising.  It is also more intimate and successful.  Social media is integral to your company’s reputation, integrity and advertising budget.

BBD Marketing Solutions focuses their efforts on small to medium size businesses. We provide a service to help businesses succeed in a creative manner.  BBD Marketing Solutions analyzes customers’ needs and wants to help design successful marketing campaigns for clients.

We don’t use cookie-cutter marketing plans. We use unique marketing plans designed specifically for your company and do the same for our prices. We will work together to ensure that the greatest value is being obtained through our partnership.


BBD Marketing Solutions can research, define and target your clients efficiently and effectively.  BBD Marketing Solutions has the time that you do not, to grab your clients and drive them to your business. We will creatively make sure your social media presence is consistent and active, giving you more time to focus on your business practices.

Social media can be time consuming.  You may find yourself going down some personal social media rabbit holes on occasion. Who has time to think of an idea, compose, curate and post something every month, week or day for their business? Then, you have to make sure the content is being seen by customers. BBD Marketing will creatively make sure your social media presence is consistent and active, giving you more time to focus on your business practices…or your personal social media pages.