Discovery call/Meeting

Let’s get to know each other! We will ask you lots of questions during this call. We really want to find out ALL about you and your business. This is a great time for you to let us know what goals you are trying to achieve and how we can help you achieve them. Goals can vary from increasing your website traffic to attracting a new demographic to your product.

You’ll have a chance to get to know us too! Feel free to ask us anything you may want to know.

At the end of this call, we will schedule our “Report of Findings Call/Meeting”.

Report of findings call/meeting

Remember all of those questions we asked? We will take that information and really do our homework. Over the next couple of weeks, we will use our discovery information to research your company and your goals.

We will present our findings during this meeting and discuss our next move, strategy!

Strategy Session

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. -Sun Tzu

Let’s achieve those goals we set in the discovery meeting. We will take our research and design a strategy to achieve your objectives. We can provide your company with a detailed strategy report.

Now that we have our strategy, let’s take it to implementation.

three ways you can take it

At this point, there are three ways you can take your strategy from the idea phase to implementation…

Take it and run…Want to implement the strategy yourself? We are happy to provide you with a fully detailed, one-time-strategy, which you can take and implement for your own company.

Take it to the team…We are happy to spend a little extra time to bring your team up to speed. If you have an in-house social media team, we can visit with your team and provide them with tools to implement strategies/tactics and move forward in their roles.

Take it off your plate…We are happy to take the work off your plate and preform the day to day activities that will implement your strategy effectively.