Comments on COVID-19

It is a strange time. There is no other way to put it. The actions and reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic are unprecedented. BBD Marketing Solutions has tried to maintain business as usual (while following guidelines) and not post COVID information. It seems it is unavoidable though. So, here are a few of our thoughts regrading COVID-19.

We at BBD Marketing Solutions would like to first extend our sincerest gratitude to those continuing to work; including fire, police, military, healthcare, grocery, sanitation, farming and driving professionals. You are keeping the country operating as “normally” as possible. We thank and salute you.

We have received many questions and concerns about what to do about your small business’ marketing during this time. While we encourage marketing to continue for many reasons, you must prioritize your budgets. Here are some things to consider regarding your marketing budget:

-We have seen very creative marketing during this time. Restaurants who have been forced to close their doors have readjusted their operations to provide “To-Go” or “Curbside” services. This type of flexibility will pull these businesses through this time and set them up for positive results later. Get creative.

-Marketing on social media doesn’t have to be selling your services at this time. Are you helping the community in a way not normally associated with your business? Maybe you’ve gone shopping for neighbors. Post this content. This is branding you and your company.

-Marketing is not always about the sale today. Marketing also includes top-of-mind awareness. Maintaining a consistent presence online will keep your company in the forefront of your customer’s mind. When it comes time for them to make a purchase, whether it is today, next week, or next year, thy will remember your company’s name.

-There are lots of new hashtags being used to promote and support small businesses. Consider using some of these hashtags to help show the unity among small businesses.

#toosmalltofail #inthistogether #youarenotalone #doingmypart #314together #supporteachother #helpinghand #yourenotalone #supportlocal #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #mdsmallbusiness #marylandsmallbusiness #shoplocal #mindset #perspective #preparetosucceed

-Once this has passed, the world will have a new normal. How are you preparing your company to succeed? Take this time to brainstorm, revisit, update or create processes and procedures. Now would be a good time to prepare to rebrand. Explore new strategies you may want to utilize.

-If nothing else, be positive.

Regardless of how you are operating at this time, we at BBD Marketing Solutions are happy to help. Feel free to contact us today if you are in need…it does not have to be marketing related.

We hope everyone remains happy and healthy during this time.