Pivot to Succeed

Getting creative doesn’t have to mean reinventing the wheel. It may just mean readjusting what you are already doing or pivoting your business. In times like today, we need to be flexible and creative. Using new strategies to pivot your business can take your company to the next level of success.

Is your business capable of solving a newer problem with your existing materials or services? Some great examples of this currently are clothing designers manufacturing medical masks or distilleries producing hand sanitizer as opposed to consumable alcohol.

Along the same lines, you may want to consider turning your product into a service. Many restaurants, bars and even fast food chains have had to pivot to provide carry out or delivery services they previously did not offer.

Are you too diverse? Take a look at the current products/services you provide. Does one product/service seem to carry your business? Maybe consider streamlining your efforts into your most profitable efforts. Be the best at one thing instead of mediocre at many.

This can also apply to your market or demographics. Are you trying to reach too many people? Focusing your demographics can reduce wasted efforts. It is possible you are marketing to the wrong demographic or your business is ready for a new target. Consider pivoting your business to provide services from residential to commercial or vice versa.

However you plan to pivot your business, planning is the key to success. Make sure your infrastructure is prepared and you’ve clearly communicated your new strategies and goals to employees and consumers. Marketing can be an integral resource when communicating your efforts to rebrand or refocus your products/services.

One of the biggest successes we’ve seen in the last week or so has had to be DJ D-Nice. DJ D-Nice had to pivot his craft from providing music to venues and events in person to providing a virtual service. After hosting a nine hour virtual dance party where celebrities and average people attended in masses together, his online social presence skyrocketed. Now visible to millions worldwide, he has received global recognition. He even posted on his Instagram account:

“I never would’ve imagined that the best party I would create and DJ would be from the comfort of my own home.”

Making a small tweak or adjustment to your business can provide you with a low cost, possibly high yielding return with minimal changes. Try pivoting your business, a new direction might provide you with successes you never imagined.