Super Advertising Bowl

It’s not just the big game. With almost every 30 second ad slot costing over $5 million and total sales over $400 million, its the biggest advertising day of the year!

The Super Bowl, on average, is one of the highest rated programs. There is a large following for the sport with passionate fans supporting 'their" teams. The Super Bowl also often lends itself as a reason for a social gathering. So, what if you don't watch football? What if "your" team isn't playing? You watch the commercials.

With not everyone being a fan of the NFL, the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49ers, Super Bowl commercials will have an audience of their own. People will watch the game in “reverse” paying attention to the commercials and distract themselves during the game. In today’s world, on any other day, most would fast forward through commercials, thanks to their DVRs. But, people look forward to the ads.

Some advertisers are getting the most out of their commercials releasing them early on social media and re-airing them during today’s game. Some of the early-released commercials have gone viral over social networks.

We appreciate all forms of marketing (not just social media) at BBD Marketing Solutions. What are some of your favorite commercials of Super Bowl’s past? The Clydesdales usually make a lasting impact. Let us know what commercials leave the biggest impression on you tonight.

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