Breaking Down Marketing: WeatherTech and Scout #LuckyDog

There was a diverse range of commercials aired during Super Bowl LIV. Some funny, some sad and sentimental.

Today, we breakdown one of the commercials that not only stirred emotions but was also marketing gold. The WeatherTech commercial featuring its mascot, Scout ( #LuckyDog ), was a great piece of advertising. As far as marketing goes, many techniques can be implemented to catch out attention; celebrity endorsements, testimonials, comedy, etc. Animals are also a technique used to grab our attention, like Scout.

Amplifying the impression made by Scout the dog was the message of survival. The heartfelt story, as told from Scout’s perspective, not only pulled on our heartstrings but humanized Scout to the audience. After gaining the devoted attention of the consumer with the imagery of Scout and his story, WeatherTech initiated a call-to-action requesting donations to the cutting edge vet program featured in the commercial. This action served many purposes. WeatherTech creatively disguised driving traffic to their website by including a donations section on their website. So they are not only collecting donations but are also driving potential customers to their product’s website.

WeatherTech is also contributing to their branding efforts with this commercial. Scout’s story connects the emotions the consumer feels with the actual company. The commercial instills a feeling of sympathy and makes them feel good about buying a product from a company that “cares”. Consumers are more likely to purchase goods from a company if they “feel” like the money is going to an upstanding business. The “Lucky Dog” commercial creates a bond with those customers who are passionate about similar initiatives. Branding isn’t just about your logo, it’s what your company stands for.

If you are interested in learning how to initiate some of these techniques for your business, contact BBD Marketing Solutions today.

Check out WeatherTech’s “Lucky Dog” commercial at: