How to Support a Small Business

It doesn’t take a lot of effort or money to support a small business. The algorithms on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn actually allow for organic growth through engagement.

So without spending a dime, you can support a small business by engaging with them on social media. Start by liking or following a business on as many social media platforms as possible. One person’s like expands the company’s reach exponentially.

Do you like a post they created or content they shared? Don’t just keep scrolling. Like, love or laugh at the post. This positive engagement boosts the popularity of that content.

Commenting on a post also boosts the content. The more engagement a post receives the more people that will see the post. The social media networks want to share popular items with other people like you. If the network sees you engage, they will distribute the same content to people with similar interests as you.

Sharing content will definitely increase the reach of a post. The average Facebook user has about 338 social connections. If you share a post, it can potentially be seen by 338 more people. And if one of those people shares the post, the potential reach is now 676 people, and so on. If one of those people decides to use the company’s services the impact can be monumental to that small business owner.

Do you have a strong opinion about a business? Was their service or product above par? Or were you left disappointed? This is one of the best benefits of social media. Real, honest opinions can be distributed to masses of potential clients. So if you really believe in a company, or really don’t, make a post and make sure you tag the business.

People are social and not just on the internet. Word-of-mouth referrals will increase a company’s chances of obtaining new clients. Make sure you spread the word about small businesses in person and not just on the internet.

If you do nothing else, cheer on a small business owner. It is challenging to own your own company. Entrepreneurs face multi-tasking various aspects of their business, self-doubt and financial stress. A simple encouraging word can mean as much as a sale to a small business owner.

Supporting small businesses allows for the local economy to thrive. Small business purchases not only support the business but the owner and their family too. Support your local, small businesses today!