Simplifying The Sales Funnel

“Sales Funnel” has become a very popular buzz word on various platforms. Sales organizations, marketing agencies and the internet in general have made the term seem like a new concept. The sales funnel idea can be simplified into three words you are very familiar with: Know, Like, Invite.

Just like in any relationship, it takes time to develop a connection between parties. Your customer needs to start their relationship with you or get to KNOW you. . The relationship has to start with an introduction. Your website is a great place to provide a potential customer with information about your company and services. But social media can also provide great insight about your company. Social media, is just that, social. People don’t initially get on social media platforms to be sold goods or services. They get on social media to be entertained, to share about themselves and to connect. These platforms are a great way to connect with your potential clients and allow them to get to know you.

Knowing someone is different from liking someone. Whether they are co-workers, acquaintances or TV personalities, we know lots of people that we don’t necessarily LIKE. This phase in the relationship is very important. A customer has to develop a rapport with a company. We can start to like someone but as we learn more about them, sometimes we lose interest. Social media can play an integral role in this part of the relationship. If you consistently provide interesting content, engage with your clients and learn from their interactions, the relationship is sure to flourish. Inconsistency, dullness and an inability to adapt will create distance between you and your customers or potentially end your relationship.

Once a client likes your company, they are more likely to trust your judgement and will be more open to the next phase of your relationship where you will INVITE them complete an action, like buying a product or service. If your potential client knows and likes you, they will trust that your recommendations are made in good will. A good business gets repeat customers by not taking advantage of someone’s lack of knowledge. A great business will also educate their customers. If you have consistently appeared in someone’s social media and engaged with educational content, when you make your call to action, they will accept your invitation with peace of mind. The more invitations accepted by customers, the larger your business can grow. You can INVITE customers to use your services on social media but this is typically done once the KNOW and LIKE phases have been well established.