Why Uber Advertises When You Can't Ride

Have you seen the Uber commercial released in April? The main tagline for the commercial is “Thank You for Not Riding”. Why would Uber encourage people not to use their service?!?!?

It is actually a genius marketing technique that accomplishes multiple goals.

If you have not seen the commercial, check it out at:

Uber partnered with Wieden+Kennedy and PRETTYBIRD agencies to develop the PSA style advertisement. The commercial is a collage of videos showcasing the new normal activities people are participating in at home. There are videos of people sharing their new normal; from scrubbing fruit to staring at your pet. Some are fun moments like roller skating in the house and others are more heartfelt. One of the last clips is of an elderly gentleman with his hand on a glass door gazing out as another hand meets his on the opposite side of the glass pane. The background music starts as simple tones that are strung together and ascend into more of a melody as the commercial moves along. The simplistic tune infuses a subtle sense of positivity. The commercial instills strong emotions that resonate with the general public in this unusual yet common and relatable time.

Many companies seem to be following this type of formula for their advertising. We viewed four ad spots back to back that didn’t say a word, had simple melodies and videos highlighting the “new norm” or salutes to service.

So how will this marketing increase sales for Uber or other brands? It won’t initially. But it will in the long run. Uber, for instance, has spent a lot of time, energy and money to make their brand a common household name in communities across the world. Even when people used a competing service, like Lyft, they sometimes referred to it as Uber. It’s like calling a tissue a Kleenex or a soda a Coke. So Uber has made the conscious and intelligent decision to continue spending on marketing efforts in hopes to maintain their name recognition and top of mind awareness.

By appealing to the common issues people are facing and fighting as well as evoking emotions with the video clips, Uber is relating to its customers. The ad is a compilation of user generated content with first and third person views. The brand has also used the ad spot to make their customers feel like they truly care about them. They are putting the health of everyone over the wealth of the company. In turn, the company hopes you recall this sacrifice and emotion when it comes back to a time when their service can be used.

This campaign is also stretched to their email and social media marketing efforts. With posts mimicking the same notes of their commercials the company maintains a common and recognizable tone across their all forms of media.

Making your brand connect with your customers emotionally will leave a deeper, lasting impression. The emotions speak to the morals of your brand. Maintaining marketing efforts, even when products and services are not available, will make the brand more recognizable when they are able to be bought and used. Keeping top or front of mind awareness will help ensure your brand’s longevity.

If you are interested in maintaining your marketing efforts, social media can be a less expensive and more effective form of advertising during this time. If you would like to learn more, contact BBD Marketing Solutions. www.bbdmarketingsolutions.com