Content Curation

We all come across mental roadblocks. We get stuck. And trying to get unstuck is like struggling to get out of quicksand. The more you struggle the deeper you sink.

Sometimes the best solution is to step back away from the project. But in social media we always preach consistency. You don’t want to lose momentum or miss a trend. So how can we step back?

Content curation can save the day. One of the main purposes of social media is to share. So when you see content that is applicable or relevant to your brand, you should share. Sharing other’s content is a compliment to the creator. As long as you acknowledge and credit the creator.

You can also save the content for future use. For those times when you are hitting that mental roadblock, share the content you’ve saved. This can get you through those tough times where you aren’t feeling creative.

Searching for and sharing other’s content can also provide for inspiration. While searching you may come across a post that sparks the lightbulb and gets you out of your slump.

The one caveat to this is to consider whose content you are sharing. While you may like a post a competitor has posted, remember you don’t necessarily want to advertise for them. Sharing a competitors post may drive a potential client to your competitor.

Also, keep in mind your branding. Don’t just post to post. Share content that is relevant to your brand and business.

When you are having trouble coming up with content, consider curating and sharing posts. Also check out our blog on creating content for ideas to get you back on track.

If you can’t get out of the quicksand and running your business doesn’t allow time for social media, consider hiring a social media manager or agency to help your company grow and succeed.