Who are you talking to? Hit your target demographic

Social media networks are open to everyone, but each network tends to have their own niche demographic. When using social media to reach your potential clients, you may want to consider focusing your efforts on the networks that your clientele are using most. If you utilize marketing on various networks make sure your message is designed to speak your targeted demographic.

Sprout Social has broken each network’s demographics down. Some interesting statistics about 30-49 year olds to note are:

· 79% of 30–49 year olds use Facebook

· 47% of 30–49 year olds use Instagram

· 26% of 30–49 year olds use Twitter

· 37% of 30–49 year olds use LinkedIn

· 35% of 30–49 year olds use Pinterest

· 25% of 30–49 year olds use Snapchat

· 87% of 30–49 year olds use YouTube

Check out more statistics and the full report at: https://sproutsocial.com/insights/new-social-media-demographics/#FB-demos.

The age group of 30-49 year olds are typically homeowners, parents, and have some disposable income. Is this the demographic you want to reach? You would definitely want to connect with this age group using Facebook but you may want to explore your presence on YouTube as well.

You may also need to consider other demographic factors, such as education, income or gender. Males have a heavier presence on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. If you are trying to reach women, Facebook and Pinterest are dominated by this gender.

You may have multiple demographics you are trying to reach. For instance, if an organization was to market a day camp, they may use Facebook to market to parents with information about dates and costs. To market to the youth, you may want to use Instagram and highlight the activities in the program.

Or if you had an HVAC business, you would advertise to men differently than to women. The male targeted ads may have copy encouraging men to save time and energy by allowing someone to fix their unit rather than trying to do it yourself. Where an ad targeted towards women may show a wife calling a technician after their husband was unable to fix their problem.

Ultimately, doing research to narrow your demographic can focus your marketing and reduce wasted time and efforts.