
Content Curation

Content Curation

We all come across mental roadblocks. We get stuck. And trying to get unstuck is like struggling to get out of quicksand. The more you struggle the deeper you sink.

Sometimes the best solution is to step back away from the project. But in social media we always preach consistency. You don’t want to lose momentum or miss a trend. So how can we step back?

Content curation can save the day.

Social Media Marketing Without Selling

Social Media Marketing Without Selling

When was the last time you clicked the Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn icon to purchase a new product or service? Social media networks are not intended to be used for marketing. These networks are used to connect, share and entertain. People log on to check out. Check out of where they are. Or check out what’s going on. Don’t just market…connect, share (inform) and entertain to develop greater relationships with your customers.