
Content Curation

Content Curation

We all come across mental roadblocks. We get stuck. And trying to get unstuck is like struggling to get out of quicksand. The more you struggle the deeper you sink.

Sometimes the best solution is to step back away from the project. But in social media we always preach consistency. You don’t want to lose momentum or miss a trend. So how can we step back?

Content curation can save the day.

Tips on Content Creation

Tips on Content Creation

One of the keys to a successful social media presence is to consistently post effective content.  Creating content can present itself as a daunting task.  But there are some ways to simplify the process.

Using these techniques can make the content creation process a little less overwhelming. While creating content also keep in mind that the purpose of social media is to entertain, share/educate and connect with
people. If running your business doesn’t allow time for this task or this still seems like an intimidating process
consider hiring a social media manager or agency.

A Key to Algorithms

A Key to Algorithms

Social media networks, like Facebook, develop algorithms to determine what posts get displayed in front of users and how often. These algorithms change constantly and it is almost impossible to know the exact steps a network uses to determine what is viewed. The most consistent factor has been, and will probably always be, engagement.